Tuesday, January 25, 2022

VIDEO -- "Mexican Reggae" (1977 - Live Version)

Start here

I'm visiting the Golden State right now. So this message is pre-programmed.

Singing starts at 2:10.  "Mexican Reggae" was a tentative description of the song before the group settled on "Hotel California." There is no real Hotel California. The building on the album cover is in fact the Beverly Hills Hotel on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. 

I lived in Los Angeles from 1988 to 1991. Growing old ain't for sissies.

"Some of the wilder interpretations of that song have been amazing. It was really about the excesses of American culture and certain girls we knew. But it was also about the uneasy balance between art and commerce."
-- Don Henley, 9/11/07

On a dark desert highway
Cool wind in my hair, warm smell of colitas rising up through the air.
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light.
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim.
I had to stop for the night.

There she stood in the doorway 
I heard the mission bell. I was thinking to myself,
"This could be Heaven or this could be Hell."
Then . . . she lit up a candle and she showed me the way 
There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say:

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year) you can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes Benz. 
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends.
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget.

So I called up the Captain, "Please bring me my wine."
He said, "we haven't had that spirit here since 1969."
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night just to hear them say

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They're livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise), bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling, the pink champagne on ice,
And she said, "we are all just prisoners here, of our own device." 
And in the Master's chambers, they gathered for the feast.
They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't kill the beast.

Last thing I remember, I was running for the door 
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before 
"Relax," said the night man, "we are programmed to receive."
"You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!"
© The Eagles 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Right On Cue - A Retrospective

 OR . . . as the red-hatted hordes CHEERING for NASCAR driver bRANDON BROWN would say . . .

"Right on, Q!"

Start here

Welcome back boomers (and kids) to another edition ... uh, addition, ... or is it merely a rendition? 

OK, enough bull about Durham . . .

So, a great French comedian once said, "Zee timing, she eez evereething."  

I Think, Therefore I Drink

Based on that, I think once a week should be the proper dosage of this comic relief, plus or minus a paragraph or two. If you could just help me calibrate it . . . if you don't mind . . . that would be great.

We are hunkered down in the Carolina Piedmont, stocked up with white bread, toilet paper, and almond milk. We got hit by a full inch of snow and sleet, just before MLK Day. Then we got hit again just this weekend. 

And the NFL isn't rigged. Hmph.

I can hear my Yankee friends laughing scornfully at the Southern facade, the genteel, neurotic, Prince of Tides machismo, panicked at the prospect of driving in icy conditions. It's hard.

Speaking of scornful mockery, I will do my best to never mention or use the disrespectful term "President Brandon." Never again. So how's that working out?

And as for you little vegan fairies, stop drinking so much damn soy milk and grow a pair! Tits or balls, I don't care. Wait 'til this summer -- when I'm 64

There is a reason for stereotypes, regardless of the hundreds of millions of counter-arguments put forth by We the Feeble, We the Sincere, We the Pitiful Bloggers trying to set the record straight. Pay no heed to the boomer behind the curtain. Most of us are probably a lot like this guy anyway --- insofar as having a penchant for quixotic rants. 

Speaking for most older bloggers, I don't want to set the world on fire. People just need to have their say, and . . .

Oops. Strike that. 

As a matter of fact, during the Summer of 2020, a small group of younger and extremely energetic "bloggers" actually did try to set the world on fire!

From THE LEFTIST HANDBOOK: "Think like us. Or else."

It's been -- one year since we looked at the "inauguration,"

Five years since they laughed at us for saying "fake news,"

Three years since the living room TV showed a "flu" in China,

But it will still be two years 'til they say "I'm sorry, Boomers."

Did you catch the pop reference?  If so, you may not be a true baby boomer. You do, however, have the ability to think in non-linear fashion, bless your heart.

And THAT, in a nutshell, is what the "Q" phenomenon was about ... the ability to think in non-linear fashion.  The phenomenon was more than a reductivist oversimplification: "something, something, something ... politics stand ... something, something ... I love Trump." God, no. 

Many others mistakenly believed it was a quasi-religious cult with dastardly racist(!) intent. On closer examination, the Q "thing" was far above and well-beyond that mean stereotype. Nor was it some "right-wing conspiracy," as it was so gleefully, so erroneously, and so fearfully, characterized.

"Luke, trust your instincts."

And for fuck's sake, don't tell me you are so gullible that you are giving any serious credence to Wikipedia, one of the internet's leading fonts of misinformation.

OK, bye. Come back soon. This topic, any discussion of that letter that rhymes with "cue" the 17th letter, creates weird somatic responses in readers, a neuromuscular, gastrointestinal reflux making pink, purple, lime-green, and blue-haired readers, even ones in pinstripe suits, abort rational thought or wear red baseball caps. Or both. I reckon if a reader is triggered by my rapier wit, I am already BLOCKED, i.e., filtered, censored, ignored, ghosted, and generally will never be heard from again by you. Bye Bye Bye. (Uh, is this a bad time to ask you to Like, Share, Comment, and Subscribe? 😉)

Science ≠ Morality

That's alright. Think of this essay as a less-explosive version of the classic millennial TV series, "Mythbusters," and in today's episode we examine the impact of asynchronous mass communication on various digital platforms manifests in the neuropsychology of users, the failure of ethics in journalism, and the national security implications of those effects, particularly those unique to American culture.

Use Ockham's Razor, apply the scientific method, stay smart and skeptical, and I promise you will overcome the initial barrage of auto-reflex impulses subconsciously telling you to reject what boomers (or your elders) say, just because a particularly effective content creator from somewhere on Sullivan Street has captured and cornered our cultural narrative utilizing this ... this ... accursed symbol from the Latin alphabet --

"Brought to you by the letter Q."

So, back to school. Classical scientific method originated from Cartesian Philosophy, within the discipline called Skepticism. Descartes was a younger contemporary of Galileo, the person generally accepted as the central figure of the Scientific Revolution. And you may already know the word "science" derives from the Latin word meaning "knowledge."  I'm not sure why, but I just noticed that I over-italicize things. Anyway, the first step in using the classic method of applied science is to ask a question. Yes, you too, can be a conscious, critical thinker like me.  That was condescending. Sorry about that. Or am I?

Oh, Ram Eye

But seriously even without Adam, Jamie, Grant, Kari, and Tory's help, we should be able to agree that proper science seeks to discover or create Knowledge, not to establish moral constructs

Think of Science as the Yin. The Yang, the necessary opposing principle of scientific inquiry is Humanism, which seeks to define and prescribe the moral conduct of human beings. Thus, I contend that amorality, the absence of moral proscription, is a definitional, fundamental element of pursuing and having "faith" in the scientific method. Science alone is a grossly imbalanced non-humanistic enterprise.

Think of Sheldon Cooper. He's a really (really) smart character. Great theoretical physicist. To be honest, though, he is a horrible person. Great scientist. Total asshole. And we're talking legendary asshole.

Anyway ... Insofar as that absence of morality's imperatives predicates applied science . .  I think . . 

er . . .uh . . .  wait . . . oh my . . .  I'm trying not to digress  . . .  

really . . .  trying . . .  not . .  not . . .  oh, no . . .

... ARGGH ... shiiitt ...  

the memes beckon ... the memes . . . the damn memes . . . 

Ah, screw it . . .

"Entschuldigung Sie bitte."

What were we talking about? ... oh yeah, Science.  Or was it the letter cue?

Shit. I'm already approaching my word limit, which means attention spans wane at this point of the essay.  Let us boil it down to the FACTS, and then we can move on to the cure for cancer . . .  I mean, the Corona virus, er . . .  uh, excuse me . . . I meant, the common cold.  Someone stop me.

Definition #1: "Q" was a user handle of a person(s) who posted messages on the internet from October 2017 to December  2020. That user has not been conclusively identified.

Definition #2: An "ANON" is simply an individual human citizen of no particular nationality, ethnicity, or social standing, who "gets," that is, has read, understands, and acknowledges the intrinsic content of the MESSAGE, i.e., the medium, which is -- the Internet. 

Definition #3: Distinguishing from the first two definitions, "QANON" is a resultant vector. It is a descriptive noun, invented to capture and communicate to non-readers something they have not personally experienced, but is occurring in the offline world. "QANON" is a MSM entity, borne through manipulation of language, primarily by corporate network gatekeepers, a noun adjunct modifying a manifestation that has had tangible and significant psychological, spiritual, cultural, political, and global impact. The manifestation, the phenomenon, is more simple --- real Anons are people who have read Q posts, and have "heard" the content (well, technically, they "read the message") and have encouraged others, readers and non-readers alike, to think for themselves and make up their own minds regarding the messages. The term "QANON" was put into popular vernacular to be intentionally pejorative and misleading.

That's all, folks. We're talking about asynchronous multi-vector content messaging 

. . . and bullies. (Hat Tip: Nikola Tesla and H.G. Wells)

Like Mercutio, I dislike binary political constructs, formal organizations (save the Bar), and their 501(c)3, 501(c)4 quislings. A lot of boomers have been online before AOL and BBS. We had dial-up the internet on x286 processors. We can spot a shill from ten hyperlinks away.

I'm a lot like you.

Not many boomers hang out on the so-called "dark web," although I concede that shit on 4chan and 8chan can get pretty dark. But we're way past cat videos. 

Here's the point. To discredit certain informational content, because you don't like the source is simply killing the messenger. It's bad form.

Processing information nowadays, with the massive reach of modern telecommunications technology, demands that users be their own psychological filters. The sources might be lying. Everyone seems to be lying. Online messages are not useful until properly and accurately received. We are programmed to receive. After one receives (sees, reads, or hears) the message, only then can one decide whether the content resonates - True.  

We are programmed to receive.

Here's a useful analogy, the movable-type printing press. It really was the Internet of the 15th Century. Gutenberg published the Latin Vulgate. That was, in fact, the actual content, the message in the medium. The Reformation was a cultural phenomenon that came about because of technology, because content became self-filtered. Individuals had to learn to read content that for centuries had been spoon-fed by Father Pete or Friar Tuck or Sister Mary Elephant. Likewise, from 2017-19, we have experienced the Q "thing" with differing degrees of tolerance, humor, fear, and yes, Love.

Your digital device = Gutenberg's press, right?

Now what?

Heck, movable-type printing explains how 600 years later, a Catholic Filipino raised in an American military family identifies as "born-again Protestant polytheist" despite years of institutionalized learning from anally-retentive sadistic nuns, and enduring false accusations of chemically-induced mental illness, overcoming shame of being cast as an inferior heretic who should instead be making proper tribute by confession, by eating wafers and drinking wine with celibate, globalist, perverts in robes reeking of incenst. Spell-check is so wrong.

Dark web, indeed. How's your "compliance" now, Agent Smith?

Mainstream sources (friend, you are now far far away from the mainstream), those entrenched, anti-American forces, apparatchiks protecting their bureaucratic Swamp turf, for whom free spirits and independent thinking pose an existential threat, respond to Q messaging with ad hominem fallacy, followed by implementation of the Saul Alinsky playbook, maliciously characterizing thought-provoking and intelligent content as something "spooky," something to be immediately dismissed as nonsensical and pointless. 

Yes, it is valid to point out the cryptic nature of the Q posts, the messages, their inchoate character. And it is correct to say reading the posts are almost or exactly like reading your horoscope. That is a moot point. As with everything internet, there will be encryption. Them's the rules. (sic)

"Would you like to play a game?'

For the sake of Science, or more specifically, Social Science, ask this:

How did non-linear, cryptic posts on some innocuous internet message platform used primarily by masturbating teenagers evolve into a consciousness-raising, race and gender inclusive, global movement that allegely threatens the existence (and operations) of the "Deep State?" 

Why would powerful internet platforms and corporate network broadcasters censor the content of some dude or dudette's rambling internet posts? Jesus, have you been on the internet lately? Admittedly, the corporate gate-keeping could be done better, and by better I mean worse.

What is more puzzling is this -- the extent to which Anons (not  QAnons!) are vilified as unintelligent, and violence-prone, when 99.9% of civic violence since 2017 has been carried out by their opposition. 

"But what about January 6th?" you say. 

And to that I say, "What-About-ism is intellectually dishonest."

And reasonable minds can agree. Special Counsel Durham's work is not done yet. The midterms lurk.

Put it another way. What IDEAS pose the biggest threat to the world's most powerful elite, not just in America but throughout humanity? Science has been completely divorced from Morality, yet people with little or no knowledge of Virology or Immunology talk and act as if they truly believe they are morally superior to people who are just uncomfortable in face diapers, or who don't want to participate in a genetics experiment, or simply don't like needles. 

Even if the abyss between Morality and Science is philosophically irreconcilable, what makes the reconsideration of moral precepts so frightening to certain factions in the War of Ideas? 

Well, I'm hungry. It's time to end this.

Mark 8:36

"We understand you don't like our censorship policy. But it's for people's safety."

"Fuck off, Liars."

It's not too late, America. Step up. We didn't start the fire.

Places everyone. Lights, camera . . . and . . .

Right on cue.

Repeal the 17th Amendment

© 2022 by Roy Santonil

Monday, January 17, 2022

Varieties of Durham (Part 2 of 2)

Hello, Whitey.

Start here.

 Welcome to the nitty gritty.  Or the fucky-wucky. Or whatever idiomatic phrase that implies funtime is over, and where drilling down to real facts inevitablly means losing your audience. So much sex and violence, a mere mouse click away, makes it so reading legal jargon for cultural content just plain sucks. And it sucks more when the content herein suggests the world-as-we-know-it is crumbling.

So we grind on. 

Welcome to post #3 of my return to blogging.

For those of us at the "boomer" stage of life, I humbly suggest we maintain focus on a prime imperative. We should and quite often do care about what our generation hath wrought, yet growing old gracefully is a tough challenge. Being jaded is part of the deal, as is unrequited sentimentality.

So, let's focus on facts, folks. Do with them (true facts) what you will, but remember there are many out there who weave wicked webs, and they practice to deceive the elderly. Think for yourself.

This is the way. Logic for nothing. Links for free.

  • The Federal law authorizing Special Counsel says the Attorney General (or acting Attorney General in cases where the Attorney General is recused) can appoint Special Counsel when a case presents a "conflict of interest" for the Justice Department, or "other extraordinary circumstances." Basically, Federal agencies cannot and should not investigate and prosecute themselves.
  • This is not John H. Durham's first rodeo. He has a unique career history of successfully obtaining convictions in specific types of criminal cases, those involving racketeering and government corruption. Some of that history is behind a Boston Globe paywall, but it may be well worth the price of admission, given their track record.
  •  Attorney General Order No. 4878-2020 outlines the scope of the job. Quick take: the goal is to find out how and why our nation was subjected to "Russia, Russia, Russia," including, but not limited to, the origins of Operation Hurricane. As of the date of this post, we have tangible results from Durhams work. Personally, I think there is much more to come. Others may think it just sound and fury, signifying nothing. Whatever. It would be nonetheless edifying for curious minds to ask, just who the hell are these clowns, and what are the implications, if any, for their crimes?

Kevin Clinesmith: FBI lawyer -- pleaded guilty to falsifying a reply email from CIA. The email had confirmed Carter Page was an agency "source." Clinesmith consciously (brazenly) added the words "not a source." Seriously. 

 How busted is their operation? 

The FBI then relied on that altered email to support an application for a FISA surveillance warrant as part of Operation Hurricane. Clinesmith has been sentenced to one year probation and 400 hours community service. Huh?

Don't downplay the seemingly light sentence of this flunkie (he faced five years and $250K in fines). And don't be naive. The only reasonable conclusion here is that he is fully cooperating with the Durham team. Phase One complete. 

KEY FACT: At least one, if not all, of the applications for FISA warrants to spy on the president for "Russian connections" were based on bogus political and institutional fuckery.

Michael Sussman: Perkins Coie Lawyer -- cybersecurity expert, and subject of that juicy 27-page indictment. You almost never see that much detail for a piddly false statement charge. 

Like Clinesmith, Sussman is charged with making materially false statements (lying) about his role and his purpose when he requested and obtained a meeting with FBI General Counsel James Baker. Perkins Coie had been retained and paid by Hilary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and the several "tech companies" mentioned in the indictment. He is accused of using his access to client DNS "look-up" logs to conduct and present oppo research, e.g. Trump-Russia collusion. As we all eventually learned, there was none. 

I read the indictment as "Sussmann's actions started this insufferable hoax."

Forget all the "Trump was never exonerated" bullshit from the Mueller Report. 

If you insist on pursuing red herrings, go here.

Bottom line about Sussman case: it further supports the FACT that the Trump/Russia collusion narrative was conjured through deception, deep and wide. Further, it was a DNC/Clinton/MSM operation all along. All that wasted time and energy. And furthermore, America continues to suffer from its mass effect. (Side note: James Baker was the highest ranking legal officer in the FBI.)

KEY FACT: Given proof of charges, the only reasonable conclusions are, either 1. A lawyer on the Clinton/DNC payroll, himself an ex-U.S. Attorney, duped the top lawyer of the FBI into issuing a series of directives, implemented by rabid partisans (e.g. Strzok, Page, Clinesmith), to illegally surveil a presidential campaign, or worse, 2. Baker was in on the conspiracy.

Take your pick. Logic for nothing. Links for free.

Why else would a minion like Clinesmith wilfully do what he was convicted of doing? 

Nice "insurance policy." Today, an adventurous thinker might even try to connect those dots leading to the FBI's role in the J6 events. Anyone care to discuss Ray Epps? Too early? How about Randy Weaver? David Koresh? But I digress. On purpose.

Again, in spite of this shitty scenario, I always emphasize ... think for yourself.

Sussman's trial date is set for May 2022, but Durham is pushing for a later date, July 2022, for what I think are more than tactical reasons, to properly coordinate certain classified discovery items with the Brady disclosures.

Normally, it is the defense who seeks to push back trial dates. Almost always, it is the defense seeking to extend time. 

Former DoD Chief of Staff Kash Patel explains that conspiracy fraud prosecutions normally run three, four, and five years. He has been there.

For now, the question is whether Sussman will "plead out" the same way Clinesmith did.

See the Deep State squirm. Have I lost you?

Be a Critical Thinker. Fuck Secret Societies.
Igor Danchenko: a Russian citizen, living in the U.S.A. -- Danchenko worked at various academic kink tanks (sic) including the Brookings Institution, the Open World Russian Leadership Program, and Louisville University. As political analyst, his official title was "Spin Doctor." 

I kid.

The 39-page indictment charges that Danchenko made material misrepresntations to Federal agents. These are consitent with the overall target and theme of Durham's work, i.e., that a bunch of fucking psychopaths with reckless disregard for the rule of law and general public welfare, dreamt up and executed an insane plan to distract, harass, and hopefully destroy, the eventual winner of the 2016 presidential race. 

Danchenko allegedly lied when asked if he was indeed the sub-source for the infamous Steele dossier, that "garbage" document upon which the whole of Operation Hurricane and the FISA warrant applications for judicial permission to spy on an American citizens, were based.

OK, let me filter out the rhetoric. Danchenko's indictment when considered with the rest, suggests that the ever-meticulous Durham has uncovered a pattern, a plan, a scheme or design, a course of conduct ... what's the word? ... oh, yeah a conspiracy to defraud the government, and thus, the American people. It should be apparent to a knowledgeable observer that this 3rd in a series of indictments establishes greater, and I believe more ominous, legal consequences for the "upper echelons" in the chain of criminal activity. I believe more indictments are yet to be unsealed. 

Just who are these "upper echelons?" 

Well, who were Clinesmith, Sussman, and Danchenko's bosses? 

KEY FACTS: Clinesmith worked under James Baker in the FBI Counsel's Office. Sussman worked closely with Mark Elias, at Perkins Coie, the DNC and Clinton main law firm. Danchenko was allegedly given the "dirt" (for the "Russian" dossier) by another Clinton lawyer, Charles Dolan.

Trial date is supposed to be April 2022, however, Danchenko's counsel, Stewart Sears's law firm are ... you guessed it ... currently (!) Clinton campaign lawyers, so ...

Meanwhile, the Durham team has filed a Motion to Inquire Into Potential Conflicts of Interest. 


SUPER KEY FACTS: The Hillary Clinton Campaign and some of its former employees are currently subject to “matters before the Special Counsel, in addition to another lawyer who works with Danchenko's lawyers.

There you have it.  

It's official and we're only warming up, boomers. 

Oh, I completely forgot ... did we just go through . . . (clears throat) ... a pandemic?

See you next time.


 © 2022 by Roy Santonil

Monday, January 10, 2022

Varieties of Durham (Part 1 of 2)

We are All Boat People

Start here.

You could look it up, but I'm here so you don't have to. 

The word "Durham" should invoke more than the surname of the DOJ Special Counsel whose work triggers both sides of the political echo chamber.  

True, from a corporate mass media perspective, that's the first bell rung when you hear a reference to Durham. 

Etymologically, the combination of Olde English "dun" (hill) and  Scandinavian "holmr" (city) was adopted by 1st century Normans. 

City on a hill? Hmm.

They eventually stopped adding the letter -r- because, the Anglo-French quite often lost or combined words containing the letters -l-, -n-, and -r-.  They just couldn't properly pronounce "dunholmr."

Geographically, there are two primary locations called Durham. One Durham is a city and county bordering the North Sea in England (pop. ~511,000). The other Durham is a city located northwest of Raleigh, North Carolina. Durham, NC is the home of the minor league baseball team popularized by the 1988 movie Bull Durham. Oh, and the Blue Devils.

I'm gonna fart.
There is also a hybrid cow, the "Red Durham," registered as a mix of the Red Angus and Shorthorn cattle breeds. No, I'm not going to talk about anthropomorphic global warming.

Finally, a "Durham" is the type of boat like the one in the painting above. The photo was taken at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. The painting, as most of you recognize, is titled "Washington Crossing the Delaware." The artist is a German-American painter, Emanual Leutze, who completed the work in 1851.The subject commemorates the Christmas Day surprise attack and victory over the King's troops at the Battle of Trenton

    Here are 5 Quick Facts about Washington Crossing the Delaware:

1. Washington crossed the Delaware River to execute a surprise attack on an isolated Hessian (German mercenary) garrison located in and around Trenton, New Jersey. The enemy consisted of about 1,400 soldiers. After several war councils, Americans needed to boost sagging morale, and encourage more recruits to join the Revolution. The crossing took place Christmas night, 1776.

2. The original plan provided for 3 separate crossings. Only one made it. Colonel Cadawaler and General Ewing were to strategic support for Washington's main force, but did not make the ice-filled crossing. Despite a three-hour delay, Washington managed to cross the river north of Trenton, at McConkey's and Johnson's ferries. The 2,400 Continental soldiers surprised the Hessians that morning.

 3. ENEMY SPIES AND TRAITORS had informed the British and Hessians that the attack was likely to take place. Makes you wonder how history is changed by the way one responds to intelligence. The Hessians ignored the intel and were unprepared.

Take Me To The River
 4. THE BOATS. Yes, those "Durham" boats. Washington had the foresight to commandeer all available watercraft along the Delaware, denying the British use of the craft, making them available only for American crossings. Durham boats are shallow draft cargo boats ranging from 40 to 60 feet in length. These stout craft were designed to haul iron ore and bulk goods down river to markets around Philadelphia. The high side-walls helped the vessels make it through the ice-choked river. For horses and heavy artillery pieces, they used large flat-bottomed ferries and other such vessels. The bottom of the Durham boats were neither comfortable nor dry, which explains why so many of the soldiers were portrayed standing up.

 5. Colonel John Glover's MARBLEHEAD REGIMENT INCLUDED MANY SAILORS from New England who provided lots of muscle and skill to make the perilous nighttime crossing. Also, watermen from the Philadelphia area had congregated in the area who had extensive experience and were familiar with that exact stretch of the river.

There are other details about the 300 YARD crossing, such as the terrible winter WEATHER delays and the fact that the attack was ALMOST CANCELLED

Interestingly, the canvas itself measures approximately 21' x 12'. That's a lot of acrylic paint!

Anyways, that's only the tip of the ice floe (get it?) when someone mentions Durham.


Meme Lady

Now, circling back to the most prominent public usage of the word Durham. Clearly, it is DOJ Special Counsel John Henry Durham. I would simply remind the boomers out there to stand strong ... there is a difference between what is a true fact and what is intentional deception. For non-boomers, be patient, we're almost there. Mr. Durham's wiki-bio does not do justice to this topic, nor to the man, nor to his body of work. 

Justice, indeed.

Honestly, you don't have to have had a cellphone-free childhood to accept the premise that seeking justice is is a good thing, right?

For now, disregard our generational bias. Let's look at the things that none of us can deny -- hard, cold, FACTS. They are annoying things we cannot ignore and should willingly acknowledge. FACTS -- those observable events, established as true, verifiable, stipulations --the places from where each of us, boomer and millennial alike, can together reclaim, nay, brandish, our ability to reason in 5G, seeing through the forcible inoculations of corporate media trash, post-Donald Trump, and pre-American Renaissance. Let's just call them helpful signposts; things to know for future guidance.

Let's get to the fucking facts. Stay tuned. And Subscribe!

(Addendum) January 14, 2021: Obviously, there are more Durhams out there than I mentioned in the post, and I apologize for the incomplete research. Shout out to my homies in Durham, Ontario, CANADA and any others that I may have unsuspectingly failed to list. Peace, out. RBS)

 © 2022 by Roy Santonil 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Don't give up. DON'T EVER GIVE UP.

That'll do, pig.

there was "WIT, GUN, and STEIN." That was the title of my first blog. 

Some of you already knew that.

WGS existed from January 2009 to March 2011. 

In it, I mixed blood, sweat, and tears, with golf course and music reviews. Sometimes, I tried to be funny.

Not much is left of WGS, other than the internet way-back machine archives, which means some but not all of the internet, lasts forever. 

Some of the internet just dies. Notwithstanding the grandiose experiment in literary expression and political polemic, I feel successful in having conducted my verbal excercise, working through variously apt sub-titles, patching together broken phrases, just to say: "Hey. Words mean things."

For example:

 WGS -- "3 Things You Will Need For The End Times"

As it turns out, the reference to  "End Times" was a bit melodramatic. Too early, perhaps?

Wittgenstein, get it?

Another sub-title was:  

  • WGS - "A Golf Blog. Between Rounds"

And, frankly, it was that, first and foremost. But the work needed more, something more than the game of golf, which I love, but still, it required something more relevant to those with ears to hear.

I tried "You Have the Floor," and "Floor It." (above)


Finally, I ended up with

  • WGS - "Too Old To Care. Too Young To Quit.

Ah, the sweet spot. Just the right sub-title. Explains just what I am doing, and why I do it.

Dad's death in 2011 was an actual apocalypse ... for me and for him. 

And so ended WGS.

Yet my compulsion to write would not rest. 

Writers write because their visions are their release. 

I think, yes, in the long run, ultimately, writing is a process of self-editing. And every writer's raw material, the archetypes, the ideas, myths, their experience, and opinions, exist a priori. Then they are birthed for the world at large, for those with eyes to see.

Please, Sir, More Swill
Thus spake "English Swill."

My first resurrection as a content creator turned into something more polemical than WGS. 

The Swill began publication late in 2011. 

Concurrently, I was faced with the fact that the liberal stronghold of institutional learning were gaining influence in my personal life. I began writing with greater dismay, on topics related to my observations about 21st century American life, the stark differences between conservative and progressive politics, the rickety bridge between old and young, while trying to keep faith with humor, music, and yes, more golf.  I spent years stirring digital swill with English words. It was decent.

 "Wordsmithery -- At The Bottom Of The Barrel," 

By Christmas 2018, all my efforts to provide generational guidance crumbled under the sledgehammer of corporate media marketing and outright fraudulent deception (Hello, Congressman Schiff). I even tried to write rap lyrics, a vain effort to explain my thoughts about what constitutes proper American jurisprudence (damn you, Fox Network). Sadly, only (1) one post that was served from English Swill survived the corporate pogroms of the Trump years. 

But it was one of my favorites, a classic rant on immigration policy.

Anyway, the Swill dried up because well ... you know ... the President spoke for millions, if not billions, of U.S. citizens. 

Fast forward to 2022. 

All over the globe, for the last 23 months, there's been only one pervasive topic: the COVID. With this third effort (second resurrection) - BOOMERS ANONYMOUS - I plan to go far beyond the political shills, their sketchy fuckery; beyond the vast, innumerable scams put forth by the mainstream grift, the purportedly authoritative, sources . . . on and offline.  

If you are reading this, congratulations, you have ventured light years from the mainstream.

Together we sit perched and prayerful. It is the beginning of the end of Fauci's Folly, on the verge of 'the Great Awakening," or "the Great Reset," or "the Fourth Turning," or "the Quickening," or "the 5G rollout," "the Year of the Water Tiger," or even "Jewish New Year 5782," or just plain old 2022 C.E. 

I personally have found my home ... in the shade of the freeway ... and have filled in most of the missing colors in mine and my bride's paint-by-number dreams. Generational biases have been exposed. Becoming socially relevant is irrelevant to us.  

It's Time To Own It, Boomers.

But persist. Keep runnin' down the dream, take off those dark sunglasses, and mow that lawn ... taste the wine. Frankly, my dear reader ... there still a giant load of stuff to share, a lot of worldly crap that needs a response, even if it comes off as ... back-of-the-cereal-box philosophy. 

When the inter webs were born, some corporate media mogul said,

"Content is king." 

What he forgot to remember was that the medium is still the message


Here we are.

How about it?
Every Internet Post in the World

We're boomers. We've got decades worth of content. We've earned it.

This is OUR safe space, and your subscription seals the deal!

Share with other baby boomers. Share with an intelligent millennial or even an open minded Gen X'er, if that's not an oxymoron.

Everyone on the internet plus their Uncle Bob wants you to Like, Share, Comment, and Subscribe to their shit ... ads nauseaum

(Spelling intended.)

I'm shamelessly asking you to do the same. 

Don't think of it as Spam. Think of it as Corn Flakes and Milk.

 And you may ask yourself, "Why should I follow your blog, 15ML?"

No reason. It's just goddamn social media

But remember ... here, kids eat free.

 © 2022 by Roy Santonil